Seminar: Top tips on how to tax efficiently build your retirement savings
Without a financial plan, retiring with the lifestyle you deserve is a mere dream. Discover how we can alleviate this pressure from you.
Understand Pensions and their benefits
There are huge benefits attached to pensions in terms of tax efficiency, tax reliefs, inheritance tax planning and generally longer term savings to maintain standard of living during retirement years. I regularly meet individuals/prospective clients who may be missing the trick, due to lack of understanding and knowledge.
Individuals often take personal steps and draw the benefits from their pension schemes without taking advice or being aware of all the options available to them. This could lead to wrong decisions being made, leaving permanent and irreversible long term damage with potential tax liabilities.
One size does not fit all, as everybody's personal circumstances are different and so are their goals in life. Therefore, advice will need to be tailored and bespoke to meet these personal aspirations in later life.
Many individuals will move jobs during their lifetime or pension providers will change. What is the situation of the pension scheme(s) you are not contributing into, what is your knowledge on them, how are they performing and are you receiving any advice?
Losing control of these old frozen schemes is a risk in itself.
Take advice, take back the control and live the retirement you desire.
Join this seminar to find out more on pensions and retirement planning
This webinar will cover :
1. Tax reliefs
2. Tax efficiency
3. Inter-generational planning
4. Asset Preservation Trust - why place pensions under this Trust
5. Pension Consolidation & Why?
6. Business owners setting up pensions through their company
7. Carry Forward Allowances
Questions you need to ask yourself:
1. Have I set up a Pension?
2. Has my Pension Scheme been reviewed?
3. What are the underlying Funds?
4. Who are the Fund Managers? Are they being closely monitored?
5. Do I understand my Pension Scheme(s)?
6. Am I losing control?
7. Will my pension generate sufficient income for my retirement years?
By attending this seminar you will gain knowledge on how to better prepare for a long retirement by putting a retirement game plan in force.
The individuals that will benefit the most from this event:
1. Self employed
2. Directors of own businesses
3. Business owners with balances sitting idle in business accounts
4. Individuals with monthly disposable income
5. Individuals with workplace auto-enrolment pension schemes
6. Individuals with multiple pension schemes which need tidying up for more manageability and control.
7. Individuals with existing pensions which may be outdated and/or held with several different providers.
The purpose of this event:
1. Create knowledge and understanding around pensions
2. Provide guidance
3. Offer a private 30 minute consultation free from any obligations
'Increase your knowledge - helping you to help yourselves.'
5:00pm - Registration
5:20pm - Introduction
5.30pm - Presentation
6:20pm - Q & A
6:30pm - End of Webinar
Financial prosperity is key to every household as it provides individuals with choice and the freedom to achieve their dreams, goals and aspirations.
With strategic and effective tax planning, you will help yourselves to achieve these goals sooner and with less effort.
Helping you ‘build, grow, protect and preserve your wealth.’
Hansa Wealth Management is an Appointed Representative of and represents only St. James's Place Wealth Management plc (which is authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority) for the purpose of advising solely on the group's wealth management products and services, more details of which are set out on the group's website www.sjp.co.uk/products.
The value of an investment with St. James's Place will be directly linked to the performance of the funds selected and may fall as well as rise. You may get back less than the amount invested.
Taxation rules can change at any time and are dependent on individual circumstances.
This webinar is for educational purposes only. No content contained should be regarded as financial advice.
Trusts are not regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority.